During the marching event, medical assistance is provided by the local first aid associations and is supervised by a competent GP, who is assisted where possible by other physicians. In doing so, attention is paid as much as possible to a balanced distribution of these doctors to the different walking areas. On each of the routes medical stations have been set up at designated locations, exclusively intended for the treatment of complications arising during or as a result of participating in the Airborne March.
Medical service
The local first aid associations and other volunteers provide medical assistance. They provide first aid under supervision of several registered nurses. At various locations along the route, first aid stations have been set up and AEDs are present. There is also a motorcycle ambulance present to support the first aid workers. The Medical Centre and emergency hospital is located in the Primary School “De Paasberg”, Paasberg 14, Oosterbeek, telephone +31(0)26 3332693.
First aid
For medical assistance, go for help directly to a station of the medical service. Use the emergency number 112 only for extreme emergencies.