Are there traffic measures?

The municipality/police will take traffic measures on and around the walking trail from 09.00 to 18.00 hours on the day of the Airborne March. Release of the trail at 18.00 hours will be indicated by the police. This time can be changed when there is a lot of traffic/cleaning on the trail. The use of the walking trail is at the own risk of the participants. The organization can in no way be held liable for the use of the trail. Use of the trail outside of the specified times is not allowed because of possible additional hazards due to the lack of road barriers and such. Participants in the 40 km partly use the trail at the time of which the traffic measures are not yet in force. They are reminded that the Road Traffic Act is applicable at that time. They then enter the public road as normal pedestrian.

Instructions by employees of the organization, police and/or traffic regulators must be followed. The Road Traffic Act and the Road Traffic Signs and Regulations remain in full force during the Airborne March, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The traffic regulators and controllers are recognizably dressed.

About two weeks prior to the marching event, all traffic measures will be agreed on and will be published on our website as well as in the local newspapers.

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