Starting times



Starting time individuals 

10 km

between 09.30 and 13.30 uur hours

15 km

between 09.30 and 13.30 uur hours

25 km

between 09.30 and 13.30 uur hours

40 km

between 07.30 and 10.00 uur hours



Starting time groups

10 km

between 11.30 and 13.30 hours

15 km

between 11.30 and 13.30 hours

25 km

between 11.00 and 13.30 hours



Every year around 25 music bands accompany the walkers. Not only during the start, at the official parade (at 11.00 hours) in front of the Airborne Museum, but also during the celebratory arrival (from 14.00 hours).

Official parade
At 11.00 hours is the official parade on the Utrechtseweg, in front of the Airborne Museum. Just before eleven o'clock, the trumpet call 'reveille' sounds, followed by one minute of silence to commemorate the happenings of September 1944. The march leader then opens the marching event and groups of soldiers, the gendarmerie corps, police, scouting, and civilians present themselves to the mayor and various dignitaries. The public can watch the official parade free of charge from the tribune.

Celebratory arrival
Walkers leaving early on the shorter distances and therefore return also early (before 13.30 hours), are led because of traffic measures, via a detour to the finish. So at an early return, you will NOT walk on the Utrechtseweg nor will you walk along the Airborne Museum.

The official celebratory arrival is from 14.00 hours until 16.00 hours in front of the Airborne Museum at the tribune.