
The Police Sports Association 'Renkum' / Airborne March is the owner, publisher and editor of this website. The publisher and editor of this website takes no responsibility for, and expressly disclaims all liability for (the processing of) products and services from advertisers, (sub)tenants and sponsors.

The publisher of this website takes the utmost care and attention to the data and information available on this site. Nevertheless, it is possible that there are inaccuracies and/or imperfections on the website. The publisher of this website will in no event be liable for alleged (non-)material damage of any kind incurred as a result of these inaccuracies and/or imperfections, including and without limitation for problems directly or indirectly caused by using or distributing this information.

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Information on websites that is referred to or linked to is only occasionally analysed by the editors. The Police Sports Association 'Renkum' gives no guarantees regarding the content and reliability of these websites, nor is liability accepted for direct or indirect damage resulting from this.

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The photographs posted on this website are randomly selected from photographs taken by recognized photographers. If you are of the opinion that the photo you are depicted on is incorrectly posted on the website, please inform the organization via the contact form.

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Photographer: berrydereusfotografie.nl

All rights reserved.

May 2018